Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Silverlight and WCF REST, near synchronous calling

It may be very annoying since Silverlight doesn't provide synchronous calls with WCF. Loads and loads of debate happened around this but no concrete solution yet out in the market. I tried to solve this problem to an extend (not exactly synchronous) using Microsoft Rx (Reactive Extensions) framework and Wilco Bauwer's Http Request in Silverlight approach. See below how I did;

Microsoft Rx Extensions

1) Download the Microsoft Reactive Extensions framework
2) Add the System.Reactive.dll assembly reference to your Silverlight app
3) Add the following property and private variables;

private string _result;
protected bool _pageRefreshed;

public string Result1

return _result;
_result = value;
_pageRefreshed = true;
MainPage_Loaded(null, null);

Here what I am trying to do is that, instead of having the separate delegate function to handle the callback, I am pushing the callback to Silverlight Page_Loaded event. This is very similar to the way we deal with Postbacks in Page_Load in ASP.NET

4) Use this code to invoke your WCF REST service

WebClient client1 = new WebClient();
Uri url = new Uri(
string input = "<LoggingServices_TraceError xmlns=''><message>Hello!! I am from Silverlight!!!</message></LoggingServices_TraceError>";

var o = Observable.FromEventPattern(client1, "UploadStringCompleted").Select(newstring => newstring.EventArgs.Result);

o.Subscribe(s => Result1 = s);

client1.Headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml";
client1.UploadStringAsync(url, input);

This is how it works, the result from asynchronous WCF REST call will be assigned to the Result1 property. In the Set section, after assigning to the local variable; I am also firing the Page_Loaded event of silverlight.
And in the Page_Loaded event, I am handling the result like shown below;

void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

if (_pageRefreshed == true)
_pageRefreshed = false;
result.Text = _result;

Wilco Bauwer's Http Request in Silverlight approach

1) Download the code from Wilco HTTP Request and Silverlight
2) Before actually using this in you application, you need to get the code build.
3) Also, you need to make some modifications to be able to use XML and JSON WCF REST calls. Locate the Request.cs file and modify the SetRequestProperties as shown below;

private void SetRequestProperties(HttpWebRequest request) {

request.Method = _method;
foreach (var entry in _headers) {
if (entry.Key.ToLower() == "content-type")
request.ContentType = entry.Value;
request.Headers[entry.Key] = entry.Value;
4) Follow Step 3 in the above approach
5) Use the code below to call the WCF REST service;

.WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml")
.WithBody("Hello!! I am from Silverlight!!!")
.SendAsync(response => Result1 = response.ReadAllText());

The approach is same as above except that Wilco provides Fluent Interface which is the user friendly LINQ.
The Page_Load code also same except for one small modification as below;

Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(()=> {

result.Text = _result;

You will make to wrap any assignment to UI controls with Dispatcher.BeginInvoke otherwise you will get cross thread access issue.

Happy coding!!! Let me know if you face any issues.

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